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August 2021: Reads

We are officially on month two of my monthly book reviews! I only read two books this month, but that's okay because life happens. Read on to see my reviews of the two and which one ended up being my favorite.

  1. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, by V.E. Schwab ★★★★★

I actually started this book in late July, however, I didn't finish it until August 1st. V.E Schwab wrote this book so wonderfully and that was part of the reason I was so hooked to the story. It is based on the storyline of making a deal with the devil and there are themes of personal sacrifice as well. Addie was such a wonderful character and so was Henry. Without giving any spoilers, the ending was so amazing that it truly pulls everything together. Although I didn't cry like some people said they did, I did get really sad and crushed a little bit towards the end.

Want to read the summary? Head to this Goodreads link!

2. Accidentally Engaged, by Farah Heron ★★★★☆

Overall, this book was a quick and great read, however, I was a little bit disappointed with the ending. It was a little bit predictable which bothers me a little bit but it was still worth the read for sure! The storyline of this book was so incredibly unique, I loved Reena and Nadim's characters so much. Their chemistry was amazing. Words don't do this book justice but if you love fake engagements, baking, and family drama, then this book is PERFECT for you!

Want to read the summary? Head to this Goodreads link!

Now for the moment, we have all been waiting for...

My favorite book of this month has to be: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue! I honestly only read two books this month because it has been a bit of an adjustment with going back to work. My first semester going towards my bachelor's degree also started this month which makes it even harder to find time to read. I'm hoping to have more books in my September Reads so stay tuned!


I really hope you enjoyed my August 2021 reads! If you want to see my TBR and what I'm reading, check out my Goodreads profile: (I am not sponsored by Goodreads, it is simply just the app/website I use to track my reading!)

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