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  • Writer's pictureGabby

Happy B-Day Darkside Design Co.!

I didn't think that I could fit all the words into an Instagram post so here we are in a blog post. I am so incredibly thankful for everyone in my little community and words could never describe it.

When I started this little shop, I did not expect to get a single sale. I just wanted the ability to make things and share those things that I make with other people. I didn't start sewing until last year when my mom started making masks. I attempted one and it honestly did not come out that great but it was the start of my quarantine hobby. A week or so after that I wanted to make something else and I had this idea to make matching scrunchies for my mom, sister, and I's masks. I spent some time learning how to sew them and they really were not that great but I worked hard on perfecting them. At the time I didn't have any plans to selling them but it was mentioned to me later on that I should consider. After that I obsessed with the idea and worked on creating a brand for myself and creating socials. Once I was up and running, the rest is history. After scrunchies came headbands and after headbands came bookmarks with more and more ideas on the way

I only expected to MAYBE sell one or two scrunchies but as of today, I have about 32 sales which is so crazy to me! At least 32 people have my products and have worn my products. I will never be able to wrap my head around that. I have sent my products to about 12 states and I hit 600 followers TODAY on my Instagram account. None of this would have been possible without you guys and your support.

My family and boyfriend have been the most supportive with this fun endeavor and I am so thankful for their continuous support. Most of all, I am thankful for everyone that has shown me support in any way at all. Whether you purchased from me, liked a post, shared a post, or anything else, I am so grateful for you. I have met so many lovely small shops that show me so much support and love that I will never be able to thank them enough. Your support is what keeps me up and running so once again thank YOU for that!

I'll definitely do another blog talking more about why I make scrunchies and headbands, but that is for another day. Thank you all again and happy 1 year birthday/shopaversary to Darkside Design Co.! Here's to another great year creating for you guys.

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