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Small Shop Feature: PoppinEars

Something new that I want to do is a monthly small shop feature! Each month I will feature some insight into my favorite small shops. This month, I am featuring my friends over at Poppin Ears.


This small shop has a special place in my heart since they have been so supportive of my shop. Poppin Ears is a duo run by twins Ali and Em where they create adorable stickers and stunning ears. I have so many of their stickers and they have to be some of the highest quality stickers I have ever had! I did a quick little email interview with them and found out some awesome things.

Ali and Em decided to start Poppin Ears 3 years ago because of their love for crafting and Disney. The reason they started their Etsy shop is so unique to me. The girls had made themselves some ears and wore them around the Magic Kingdom. They told me that "there was a moment when we were waiting in line for Philharmagic and a girl came up to us and asked where we got our ears. We told her that we made them and she was blown away and suggested we start an Etsy shop." That story makes me so happy and if you have seen their ears, you know just how stunning they are!

I had to ask them how they create their products and who works on what. Turns out, Ali makes the ears and Em makes the bows! Along with ears, they create amazing stickers. Ali and Em brainstorm the ideas together but Em is the one that draws everything up. It takes them around 4 hours to make a whole pair of ears and about two hours for a sticker. Something that the girls would love to make more of in the future is appearal. They would love to make hoodies and crewnecks. Another product they want to make in the future is wall art prints. I honestly would LOVE to see wall art prints because I am obsessed with Em's art!

I want to ask all the shop owners I feature this question in each feature: who are your favorite Disney characters? Ali's are Pluto, Lumpy, Figment, and Orange Bird while Em's are Rapunzel, Elsa, Oswald, and Kronk. I HIGHLY suggest checking out their shop! They are the sweetest shop owners I have ever met and create some really high quality products. You can find them on Instagram by clicking this link: or searching them up as @PoppinEars. You can go straight to their Etsy shop by clicking this link: .

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Oct 17, 2021

Thank you so much for sharing!!

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