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  • Writer's pictureGabby

Why Darkside Design Co.?

I've never sat down and told you guys about why I started Darkside Design Co. I've mentioned it in our birthday blog (link here to check it out: ) but I wanted to go into a little bit more detail.

I have always loved to create things and I had gone through so many phases of things that I liked to make. I used to crochet, latch hook, creative journal, attempted to draw, and I still do photography. Most of those things didn't stick around but I was always creating. Last year, in August of 2020, my mom had started making a lot of masks and I wanted to try my hand at it. I had never sewn anything in my life, even a simple hand stitch so it was quite the interesting beginning. The first mask I made was hand sewn and it honestly came out awful! It was so wonky and it was just not up to my standard. I got a little bit frustrated but soon tried again but this time on a sewing machine. My mom taught me how to use it and it ended up being easier than I expected. I then made my second mask that wasn't quite as terrible but still not that great.

At this point I realized that I really enjoyed sewing and needed a simpler project which is where the scrunchies come in. Scrunchies are super simple to make and I always hated the ones in the store since they really did not hold my hair all that well. They were super loose and kind of boring. So once I started perfecting my scrunchies, someone said I should start selling them. That idea really did not leave my mind, it stuck so hard until I finally decided to take the plunge. At the time, I was unemployed due to covid so the idea of getting a few extra bucks while not working was also a nice little perk to me.

Darkside Design Co. took form after many failed shop name ideas and I quickly started to design the logo. The logo I have now is not what it was when we first started but a fun fact about it is that the scrunchie in it is actually one of our Star Wars scrunchies! I took it into Photoshop and managed to make a digitalized version of it. Once I had the creative direction for the shop, I made some socials and got to posting. I never thought I would get any sales but I was definitely proven wrong.

Starting Darkside Design Co. has to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. It kept me busy when I wasn't working and I have met so many amazing people through this journey. If you follow me on Instagram, you have definitely seen me hyping up a ton of other small shops! Anyways, I hope you guys love my shop as much as I love creating new things for you and I can't wait to see where this takes me!

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